So, about me...
At this moment in my life, I am a new mother. My son was born on Sept 14, 2010 and he is a doll. Being a stay at home mom is one of the most challenging things I've done in my life, but I'm so grateful that I'm able to do it.
I've been married to my wonderful husband since September 2007. He is such an amazing provider for our little family. He's the most loving, forgiving, intelligent and caring man I've ever known...not to mention the sexiest. :)
I earned my Master of Public Health in June 2010...yeah, 3 months before my son was born. Never said my timing was great! I'm happy to put my money-earning career on hold to provide a stimulating, loving environment so my son can grow and thrive. I've previously worked in womens health and psoriasis education; when I get back to working I think I'd like to work in womens health again - specifically with reproductive health and maternal health (huh, wonder why!)
When I had spare time, I used to love to read. I would waste hours playing The Sims on the computer. I'm an exercise enthusiast and have completed two marathons and a handful of half marathons, 10k's and 5k's. I LOVE music - I'm not too picky on what I'll listen to. I tend to vote/think liberal - social justice is something I truly believe in. I believe there is a Higher Power watching over me. I've accepted Christ as my savior, but I hate the way many modern Christians act and how the media uses fringe folks to characterize the entire religion. I love to engage in civilized debate, but lose interest quickly when intelligent arguments give way to personal shots and statements based on assumptions rather than fact. I accept that others have different opinions than mine - all I ask is that I get the same respect in return!